Chronology for the development of the concept of Probiotics |
1953 |
Probiotics have common ingredients with vegetables - vitamins, aromatic substances, enzymes and possibly other substances related to life processes. |
1954 |
Probiotics are seen as the opposite of antibiotics. |
1955 |
The harmful effects of antibiotics can be avoided through probiotic therapy. |
1965 |
Probiotics are substances secreted by some microorganisms that stimulate the growth of other microorganisms. |
1971 |
Probiotics are tissue extracts that stimulate microbial growth. |
1973 |
Probiotics are compounds that build the body's resistance to infections and do not inhibit the growth of microorganisms in vitro. |
1974 |
Microorganisms and substances related to intestinal microbial balance. |
1992 |
A living microbial food supplement that has a beneficial effect on the body by improving microbial balance. |
1993 |
Live mono- or mixed culture of microorganisms, which has a beneficial effect on the body, improving the local microflora. |
1996 |
Live microbial culture or dairy product that has a healthy effect on the body. |
1997 |
Live microorganisms in sufficient quantities have a healthy effect in addition to the main diet. |
1999 |
Microbial cell extracts beneficial to the health of the consumer. |
2000 |
Microorganisms transiting the GIT promote the health of the body. |
2001 |
Product containing certain living microorganisms in sufficient quantities, which affect the microflora through colonization, have a beneficial and healthy effect on the body. |
2002 |
Probiotics are living microorganisms, taken in sufficient quantities have a healthy effect on the body. |